Many thanks to youngmonkey for hosting this outline of all the sysex info for the CZ-101 and related synths!
Kasploosh also has some tutorials related to sysex stuff on CZ synths.
Patch Editors
CZ Editor is made by Coffeeshopped as well, but this one is open source (and free), and works on Windows and OS X, with Max.
Virtual CZ is both a CZ emulator (i.e. a software synth) as well as a CZ patch editor, made by Oli Larkin. It supports all CZ synthesizers, and costs about $100.
CZSYSEXY is a patch librarian and editor that runs on Windows, OS X, and Linux. A separate program is needed to transmit the patches it creates. Full version costs $24.
CZounds offers a large and growing number of patches for CZ synthesizers. Several sets are free for download, and the rest are sold in sets of 64 for $15 each. Each set has a different theme!
CZ Pack 1 is a set of 20 custom patches that work with most of the CZ synthesizer family. By Coffeeshopped.
Music Machines has links to a handful of free CZ Patches.
CZ-5000 patches at Acidboxblues. They should work on the other CZ's as well.
Patchman Music has patches for sale. $15 for a set of 42.
Don Solaris has CZ-1 patches for sale. $19 for 64 patches.
Andreas Östling has a set of CZ-101 patches for free (by donation) on his site.