Yamaha TX81Z Editor Help


Make sure that “MIDI Channel” under the “Global” tab in Patch Base matches the MIDI Receive Channel on your TX81Z. To check the MIDI Receive Channel on the TX81Z, press Utility, then use the Parameter buttons to navigate to “Midi Control?” and press “Yes/On” and the screen should read “Basic Rcv.Ch=”. Use the Data Entry buttons to change the Receive channel on the TX81Z.

Also, make sure that the TX81Z is set to allow System Exclusive (sysex) data, so that Patch Base can send messages to it. To set Exclusive to On:

  1. Press "Play/Perform" if needed to put the TX81Z in Play mode
  2. Press "Utility" then use the arrow buttons until you see "Midi Control?"
  3. Press "Yes"
  4. Press the arrow buttons until you see "Exclusive?" It should be set to "on". If it isn't, press "Yes" to change it.

Memory Protected

If you see “Memory Protected” on the TX81Z when you try to save a patch to the synth, that means that Memory Protection is turned on. 

To turn it off, press Utility on the TX81Z, then use the Parameter buttons to navigate to “Mem Protect”. Press “No/Off” to make the screen read “Mem Protect:off”. Please note that this needs to be done each time you turn on the TX81Z, as it resets Memory Protect to “on” when it is powered on.

When you make a change to the Voice Bank on the TX81Z, you should see “Midi Received” on the TX81Z screen.

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