When the MKS-50 is turned on, it always defaults to certain MIDI settings. These need to be changed in order for Patch Base to work (each time you turn on the synth). For each of these settings, you can find them by pressing "Tune/MIDI" on the synth, then Param Up or Down until you see the setting you want:
It's good to read the manual for the MKS-50 to understand the distinction between Tones and Patches. But basically Tones are the actual sound settings for the synth, and Patches are performance-related settings. In typical sound design sessions, you'll just be dealing with Tones. Chords (Chord Memories) are only used in a Patch that has Key Assign set to "Chord".
The MKS-50 will only send its Tone, Patch, or Chord information when you select a new Tone or Patch on the synth itself, and when the MIDI configuration on the synth is correct (see the section above on MIDI configuration). So, fetching a Tone, Patch, or Chord is a two-step process:
These steps outline how to load the tones, patches, and chord memories that are in your MKS-50's memory into Patch Base. The Tone, Patch and Chord Banks of the MKS-50 can only be dumped by manually pressing buttons on the synth itself. This is a limitation of the hardware.
To Fetch a Tone Bank:
You should see the progress bar fill until it is complete!
To Fetch a Patch Bank:
Same steps as for Tone Bank, except in step 3, press "Value Up" until the screen reads "[P-A]" or "[P-B]", depending on whether you want to fetch Patch Bank A or B.
To Fetch a Chord Bank:
Again, same as for Tone Banks, except in step 3 the screen should read "[CM]".
Please note that it is possible to accidentally fetch Tone Bank a from the synth into the Patch Base editor for Tone Bank b, and vice versa. Same for the Patch Banks. It is up to you to make sure you're fetching the data to the place you want it. Sorry, but this is an old synth with more limited MIDI capabilities!
These steps outline how to send a bank of tones, patches, or chords from Patch Base to the MKS-50. The MKS-50 must be in "Bulk*Load" mode to receive a bank, and you must manually select which bank you're sending (Tone a/b or Patch A/B).
To Send a Tone Bank:
You should see the progress bar fill until it is complete!
To Send a Patch or Chord Bank:
Same steps as for Tone Bank, except in step 3, press "Value Up" until the screen reads "[P-A]", "[P-B]", or "[CM]", depending on whether you want to send Patch Bank A or B or the Chord Memories.
Please note that it is possible to accidentally send Tone Bank a from Patch Base to Tone Bank b on the synth, and vice versa. Same for the Patch Banks. It is up to you to make sure you're sending the data to the place you want it. Sorry, but this is an old synth with more limited MIDI capabilities!